Thursday, January 30, 2014

I created a new character for the The Chronicles of Evolvere: Livia Drusilla. It is a Roman name. She was formally adopted into the Julian family in AD 14, also known as Julia Augusta, was the wife of Roman emperor Augustus throughout his reign, as well as his adviser. Livia was also the mother and grandmother of four future emperors, Tiberius, Claudius, Caligula, and Nero. She was deified by Claudius.

You will have to read the book MAC  ONE - Firstborn to see how she fits into the storyline. I can tell you this much she will be a permanent character.

Word for the day: Evolvere, pronounced Eh-vol-vair, the L is almost silent. It is Latin meaning to develop, unroll, reveal, discover, and yes, evolve.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Doing some research on the history of the double helix. Very interesting stuff. Reading a book by James Watson, "DNA The Secret Of Life". James Watson, Frances Crick, and Maurice Wilkins elucidated the structure and function of DNA. Good read for those who are interested. I have gained much knowledge concerning genetics writing the Evolvere series. Book II is moving fast.

Word for the day: elucidate

Monday, January 27, 2014

MAC  TWO  - The Prince, Book II, is well on it's way with two chapters written and my nose in the research annuals. Research takes a lot of time. Ideas are coming quick and fast, and my outline is getting fat. Follow along as the intrigue develops.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Yay!!! I  have finished the final draft of my new book Evolvere - The Birth. Wrote a query letter and sent it to an agent. Now I have to sit and wait and see what happens. sf